space includes:
places where you physically go, the people and events that occur there, and
your feelings about the place and people. One part of this is the places you
inhabit every day, or at least regularly. Another part is places you've been
to, but go only very occasionally or may never go back to again.
vicarious life-space (my term, not Lewin's), includes the world you travel into
through reading, movies, TV, what other people say, etc.
there is also your own personal mental life space--the places you habit in your
mind, your fantasy world, etc. This was of great concern to Jung, although he
did not use this term for it, but of less interest to Lewin who was most
interested in our social world.
planning what to do tomorrow, your life-space is not the room you're in now but
the place where you expect to be tomorrow. Your present locomotion in that
expected environment involves deciding on one course of action rather than
another, as a result of vectors that impel you in one or another direction.
person and the psychological environment are divided into regions that undergo
differentiation. Regions are connected when a person can perform a locomotion
between them. Locomotion includes any kind of approach or withdrawal--even
looking at a pretty object or away from an ugly one, or listening to liked
music and avoiding disliked or uninteresting music. They are said to be
connected when communication can take place between them. The region that lies
just outside the life-space is the foreign hull. The person is a differentiated
region in the life space, set apart from the psychological environment by a
boundary. A barrier may block the locomotion called for by vectors. A barrier
exerts no force until force is exerted on it. Then it may yield, or resist
strongly. How rigid it is you can find out only by exploration. You may have a
plan that another person doesn't like, but you don't know how strongly he'll
resist your carrying it out until you try. An impassible barrier is likely to
acquire a negative valence and may lead to cursing or attacking it.
awakened need is a state of tension, a readiness for action but without
specific direction. When a suitable object is found, it acquires positive
valence, and a vector then directs locomotion toward the object. Excessive
tension may blur the person's perception of the environment, so that he doesn't
find a suitable object to reduce the tension.
sometimes do an activity in which people have big sheets of paper and draw
their own physical life-spaces, complete with an indication of how they feel in
each place. Then each person explains his or her drawing to half-a-dozen or so
others. This tends to give group members an understanding of the others that
they might never have had otherwise.)
perception of yourself and your relationship with yourself shifts as your
life-space shifts.
How do
you go about changing your life-space when you do so? If you're a member of a
group, your life-space as a member of the group is a developmental process of
some kind.
limitation of Lewin's method of diagramming the life space was difficulty
representing B's life space as a factor operating in A's life-space.
For effective learning, the teacher teacher has to provide suitable
psychological environment to the changing needs of the student.
The teacher has to help in setting the goals depending upon the individual's
capacity and activities.the teacher has to guide the individual effectively if
the aim of the goal is attainable,to enable the individual to cross the
difficulties and barriers easily.
If the problems of the whole situation is more clear and understandable there
will be better motivation to learn.
Help the students to release their tension. Then only they will be able to
learn the situations.
The teacher should make use of reward and punishment based upon the need of the
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