Monday, 16 October 2017

Type of Timetable and Principles of Timetable

                                Type of Timetable and principles of timetable
The timetable is detailed plan showing the scheduled of time allotment to various subjects and activities. Usually, timetable is prepared for a week, to be repeated. All the work in the school is carried out systematically in tune with the time table. Timetable is a detailed plan showing the scheduled of time allotment to various subjects and activities. A timetable is necessary for the proper management of the affairs of a school. Timetable is a framework to run the institution properly. Timetable is a mirror that reflects the entire educational program followed in the school.
Need for timetable
Timetable is necessary for the proper management of the affairs of a school. Through this, the headmaster knows the work of every class and every teacher. The time table will help him to able to arrange extra work for teachers if required.
Importance of timetable
      It ensure orderly work
      It saves the time and energy of teachers and pupils by preventing duplication and over lapping
      It help to maintain discipline and order
      It brings a system in the school life
      Well arranged time is a mark of a well arranged time
      It follow well discipline  

Content of timetable
      Time of beginning and ending of school day
      Time of beginning and end of period
      Subjects and activities assigned a specific period
      Name of the teachers engaging each subject and each activity is to handled
      Room in which each class meets
      Details regarding the period
      It saves time and energy
      It ensure right allocation of time for different subjects

Type of Timetable
      Class timetable
      Teacher’s timetable
      Master timetable
      Game timetable
      Co-curricular  activity timetable

Class timetable
Class timetable shows daily program of a class. It will show the distribution of subjects. It specifies that what a particular teacher will teach in particular subject. It fixes the responsibilities of a teacher for a complete subject.
Teacher timetable
This timetable focuses on teacher. The whole course is distributed teacher wise. It gives complete details about he/she is to teach in a particular period
Master timetable
This timetable gives a complete, correct and comprehensive picture of the entire school program. This timetable is meant to be used by the head of the institution. It is consolidated timetable. It gives a detailed work load of individual teachers
Game time table
It indicates the game which each class will be involved with at a particular time. This timetable shows which particular group engaged in particular time, game at a particular time
Co-curricular activities timetable
It is showing the different types of activities in the school and the name of teacher in charge of those activities. It helps students to select appropriate activities of their choice
Principles of Timetable
      Principle of fatigue
      Principle of variety
      Principle of justice
      Principle of rest and recreation
     Principle of flexibility

Principles of fatigue
      Each pupil has warming –up stage, full working stage and a falling stage
      During first period mainly warming up. And the second period and third consisted their full –working stage.
      Forth period is the falling off stage

Principle for variety 
      Student will feel bored and dull if they are taught the same subjects for a number of periods.
      There should be alterations of mental and physical task also.
Principle of justice
      Work among the members of the staff should equally distributed
      Unequal distribution of work may lead for frustration and mental tensions.
      No teacher should be asked to teach a subject for which he is not qualified.

Principle of rest and recreation
     Rest and recreation for children. Hence the provision should be made for that.
Principle of flexibility
      The  timetable should flexible
      The time table should not rigid
      It should be designed to make necessary changes according to the circumstances

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