Teacher is the key factor of all mental ,social, and spiritual development of children. Mother is the first teacher of the child. She will be equipped with learning competencies ,commitment and determination to perform at her best. Teacher is born, not made. We need more teacher ,better teachers and commitment teachers. Education is the most powerful instrument whose effective use requires the strength of will, dedicated work and sacrifice. Since this instrument is in the hands of teachers ,they must possess above mentioned qualities for its effective use. Education develops desirable habits, skills and attitudes which make an individual a good citizen.
In the last decade, global education has received renewed focus , study and support as the world around us changes rapidly and we user in a new era of global cooperation, collaboration and interdependence. We’ve achieved much broader consensus around the need for a more globally competence society, to confront the challenges of the 21st century more effectively-although how this should be done is still a subject of heated debate. However, before debating the merits of approach, more attention must be paid to defining and assessing global competence in teaching and learning . This remains an underdeveloped are of this growing field, and is crucial if we are to truly understand the implications of reforming our education system and ‘globalizing’ teaching and learning . True education, it must be noted at the outset, is a powerful force in bringing about desired change . It is education and education alone that can bring about changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes appreciations and understanding things around us. When our organization took on the task of defining global competence and developing an instrument to assess it among our trainees or students, we turned to our teachers, students and staff to understand the components
of the dynamic concept.
Qualitative improvement of teacher’s education is urgently needed for updating teacher in our country .However, reform and innovations in education for quality development at every level is reorganization which take place in the following ways:
Reorientation of subject knowledge
· Vitalizing of professional studies
· Improving methods of teaching and evaluation
· Improving of student- teaching
· Development of special programmes and courses
· Revision and improvement of curriculum
Problems and Prospects of Teacher Education:
India participated in the world conference on higher education convened by UNESCO in Paris1998. The conference stressed on the needs and
challenges at the higher education in the twenty first century, ’Vision’
&’ Action’. Teacher is the central point of education of this conference.
Education must be organized an around for fundamental types of
learning- (i) learning to know ,(ii) Learning to do (iii) Learning to
develop own personality (iv) Learning to live together with others in all
human activities in a spirit of interdependence . Conference on teacher education 1996 held in Geneva was a very important and gave a valuable suggestions for teacher. Today we are living in a world of science and technology ,where an explosion of knowledge is taking place and stepping into the modern technocratic age. All pre-service and in-service teacher education programme should include intensive training in the use of modern tools of ICT, including online and & offline electronic resources such as multimedia, internet, the world wide web(WWW). It is high time that we switch over from teacher centered education to learner centered & learning in the field of pedagogy. The orientation and refresher courses are essential for professional growth of all the college& university teachers to enrich and transmit into intellectual and ethical heritage of humanity to younger generation.
During the early periods of independence, teacher education system was
theory oriented ,mismatch ,mechanistic ritualistic and stereotyped. To
overcome these weaknesses, the several committees commissions have
deliberated on the need for a sound professional education for teacher. In
this direction, The Secondary Education Commission (1952-53) defined
that ‘We are however ,convinced that most important factor in the
contemplated educational reconstruction is the teacher –his quality, his
educational qualifications ,his professional training and the place he
occupies in the school as well as in the community. The commission
opined that ‘of all different factors, which influence the quality of
education and its contribution to national developments, the quality ,
competence and character of teachers are undoubtedly the most
The NPE( National Policy on Education)1986 and POA(PROGRAMME
OF ACTION) accordingly envisaged addition of a third-district leveltier
to the support system in the shape of District Institute of Education
and Training (DIET). With this, expectation would be of wider
quantitative coverage as well as qualitatively better support as these
Institute would be closer to the field, and therefore more alive to its
problems and needs. The 1986 policy as announce hopes to meet thechallenges of that time by improving the quality of all type of education
and making its benefits available to all persons. The main aim of
education has always been total development of the students personality
and every pedagogue knows this. The proposed policy therefore posses a
special challenge to Indian educator to produce citizens who are by
enlarge physically ,mentally and morally healthy The are several ways
by which human resource development can take place the most obvious
process is formal education in schools and colleges. It can also be
develop through in-service training i.e: DIETs and B.Ed. Making the
people prosperous and happy ,it is not worthy that the new education
policy has down upon some of the crucially important recommendation
of the Kothari Commission,(1964-1986) adjusting them to the changed
situation in the country.
New technological programmes for teachers are introduced at both preservice and in-service level to ensure that teachers have the necessary
skills and knowledge to deal with the application with communication
technology to emerging trends in the curriculum development and
enable to teacher to keep abreast the latest development in their
subjects and skills areas. Teacher competence needs to be upgrade to
enable the computers ,the development of problem solving skills and
creative outlook.
They are three main concerns in the professional training of teacher :
· The inclusion of value system appropriate to a career in
teaching .
· Imparting of specific new skills and knowledge.
· The retaining of teacher to enable them to keep with new
Trends in education.
In terms of imparting specific skills required by teachers, their has to be a trend in curriculum and programme development to integrate theory &practice. Distance education programme give more facilities in this
regard . There is a need to make this approach more systematic and
widespread . There is also need to a fresh talented people to teaching . In
bringing any reform in the system, ‘Teacher ’help is essential. In this
context ,the Delor’s commission state,” In any even, no reformation can
succeed without the co-operation and active participation of teachers”.
According to prof. T.N.Kapoor, Vice Chancellor, Punjab University,
viewed “Professional teacher preparation makes a difference in the lives
of teacher and perhaps, more importantly , on the lives of their students
”.The quality of teacher preparation and continuous updating teacher’s
knowledge and skill to achieve the goals of education are now very well. Research on teacher education have abundant scope We need a variety
of research due to technological advancement in the field of teacher
education . Action research should be particularly encourage to the
teacher educators.
One question that has been asked, is teaching a profession ? T.M.
Stinnet and Albert.J.Huggett has established that teacher education is not
merely of a profession, but the creative source or mother of all
profession. A profession should be equipped with intellectual
tendencies and opportunities for various kinds of specialized skills and
activities .The profession of teaching should be improve or develop as
like technical ways.
The problem of getting sufficient numbers of qualified teachers to staff school classrooms is one of the most significant public policy issues facing many countries. Teacher attrition is a global phenomenon that requires critical attention from all stakeholders of education. It is a problem not only in developing countries but in advanced countries. This makes it a global issue that needs to be tackled seriously to ensure that teachers recruited are retained in the teaching profession. In the United States, for instance, teacher dropout problem is continuously and gradually getting out of control.
Teacher Education, Globalization
Globalization is a recent phenomenon with its root in trade and commerce. Globalization is a process of free exchange of goods and capitals across globe. The advancement of science and technology, revolution leading to the INTERNET, fastest means of transportation etc. have made the whole world a “global village” and globalization a new impetus. This means that globalization is a process wherein geographic distance becomes a factor of diminishing importance in the establishment and maintenance of cross border economic, political and socio-cultural relations. There is a emergence of global mass culture
or a single world civilization. It has created a knowledge based society. There is a shifting from a “real” community to a “virtual” community. The impact of globalization on teacher education is quite obvious.
UNESCO - Commission on the development of education (1972) rightly, observes in its memorable report, Learning to be “Rigid distinction between different types of teaching,
general, scientific, technical and professional must be dropped and education as from
primary and secondary levels must become theoretical, technological, practical etc. the same
time”. In this sense education is not narrowly conceived particularly which relates to nation,
Now a days it needs to conductive globally because of impact of globalization.
The present paper emphasizes a multidimensional role of teacher education out of which some of them can discuss here.
1. Quality Assurance
2. Teacher Commitment
3. Value based teacher education
4. Teaching as a profession
5. ICT for future teachers
6. Employability
7. In-service teacher education
8. Teacher education and national development
1) Quality Assurance :
The NCTE in its curriculum framework for Quality Teacher Education (1998)summarizes the teacher education system as “Teacher education is an integral component of the educational system. It is intimately connected with society and is conditioned by the ethos, culture and character of a nation. The constitutional goals, the directive principles of
the state policy, the socio economic problems and the growth of knowledge, the emerging expectations and the change operating in education etc. call for appropriate response from a futuristic education system and provide the perspective within which teacher education
programmes need to be viewed.”The most significant quality perspective is the need to realize the importance of the teacher preparation programmes to ensure professionalism in the process and practices. The
professionalism can be achieved only by total commitment, devotion and continuous efforts on enhancing quality in transaction. Teacher preparation programmes need to be built on the four pillars Viz. ‘Learning to know’, ‘Learning to do’, ‘Learning to live together’, and
‘Learning to be’ with in built framework of reference in the following areas:-
a) Global and the local
b) Tradition and modernity
c) Competition and equality opportunity
d) Spiritual and material dimensions
e) Universal and the individual
f) Knowledge explosion
Quality is not merely a measure of efficiency. It also has value dimension. Quality in education includes a concern for quality of life in all its dimensions. Therefore, teacher education should focus on the issues such as the right leadership, expertise and effective transformation of knowledge into wisdom. Quality Assurance makes the system relevant for its consumers. The quality of teacher education has shown signs of deterioration as professional commitment and overall
competencies of teacher leave much to be desired. For providing the releventness and social acceptance, the teacher education programme has to maintain the quality as well as quantity.
2) Teacher Commitment :
In the era of globalization urgent need of the day to have competent and committed teachers, who internally develop learners as competent and committed. Teaching is a noble profession assumes every teacher to stand committed to it, for which certain competencies will have to acquired and put to actual use in transactions with the learners and the society, to attain excellence of performance. The teacher standing at the verge of new millennium has every demand for the acquisition of updated knowledge, skills and motives for effective functioning. The teacher, to exhibit an outstanding performance should at least possess a countable number of competencies possession of mere competencies also is insufficient for showing renewed performance. Only when the competencies are operated optimally, then only the teacher can deliver maximum output. The stage where competencies are operated or processed to produce performance is called commitment. Competencies would be input, while commitment is the process variable for producing
the performance as output.Commitment may be viewed as a processing capacity of an individual to generate maximum performance from what he has been endowed with. The committed teacher is an indication for bringing quality in school education, committed teacher is a symbol for
qualitative education.
Value based teacher education :
The value oriented teacher education should have values related to social systems
rather than spiritual and religious values. They should emanate the areas of communication,
work, service and citizenship, besides the curricular, co-curricular activities should made
value oriented and strengthened. A draft report of the working group in university
education for VII plan suggested that value orientation in education should constitute a
special thrust since the teacher in our society plays a multidimensional role as.
(i) In our society, teacher is considered as fountain head of knowledge and source of
great ideals. Hence people seek his council in all socio-economic activities. Thus if
a teacher has a keen sense of values and faith in higher purpose of life he can be
resourceful guide to the whole nation through his visible personality.
(ii) Our students are not turned to independent study and look upon to the teacher to
impart knowledge and they seldom dare to question in authority. Thus all the good
ideas and values that are to be imparted or inculcated to the students should flow
from the teacher.
(iii) The overall society looks to the teaching community for the welfare and progress of
the children. Hence values and ideals that the teacher spreads attain social
(iv) In the 21st century the home environment has become more mechanical, the children spend a lot of their time at school with the teachers. Thus if a teacher is committed to contain values in his day to day life the children will pick them soon up in their early years
Due to this it is necessary for teachers under training to be thoroughly exposed to human values in their college of education.
Good teacher make good school, Good schools make good students, Good students make good citizens, Good citizen make good nation. So teacher education is a nation building activity and a generation moulding institution which always strives to accommodate itself in the era of globalization.
Information and Communication Technology for future teacher :
In 2000, NCTE decided that ‘Information and Communication Technology Literacy’should be compulsory for B. Ed course.
The objectives of ICT literacy in pre-service teacher education arei)
i) To create awareness amongst teacher trainees about ICT and its use in teaching learning
ii) To acquaint teacher trainees with parts of computer system and their functions
iii) To develop vocabulary of ICT amongst teacher trainees
iv) To develop competency and encourage teacher trainees in using INTERNET for
improving school teaching and for personal academic growth
v) To develop competency amongst teacher trainees of using off line electronic resources
and on line resources
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