Thursday 15 December 2016

BOYD bring your own devices

BYOD(Bring your own device)

BYOD is learning in the classroom with the aid of tablets, smart phones, and mobile technology. It is learning that is collaborative and accessible anywhere.
Students are already familiar and comfortable using their own technology so they can focus on actually learning with them than learning how to use the device. Students’ personal mobile devices tend to be more cutting-edge, so schools can more easily stay up-to-date with technology. Students are more likely to have remembered their beloved mobile devices than textbooks or notes. It’s a cost-effective way to save schools money on technology. With BYOD students are more likely to continue learning outside of schools hours. When students use their own devices, they take care of their own ‘training.’ BYOD provides opportunity for teaching respectful/appropriate use, which will be important in properly preparing them for the future. Students will be more organized with all their notes and assignments all in one place.  BYOD (bring your own device) is the increasing trend toward employee-owned devices within a business. Smartphones are the most common example but employees also take their own tablets, laptops and USB drives into the workplace.
BYOD is part of the larger trend of IT consumerization, in which consumer software and hardware are being brought into the enterprise. BYOT (bring your own technology) refers to the use of consumer devices and applications in the workplace. More specific variations on the term include bring your own computer (BYOC).
Benefits of BYOD in classroom
The current generation of students has grown up with technology and want to use it in every aspect of their daily lives — including school. They have an expectation that the same technology they use at home will be available at school too. Thanks to the mass consumerization of technology, students are now some of the most enthusiastic and savvy users of state-of-the-art mobile computing devices.
They keep their beloved mobile devices on them at all times, and are not just using them to communicate with friends or download music. In fact, they use technology to study or work on homework assignments and they believe that mastering the latest technology skills will improve their educational and career opportunities.
A couple of years ago I spoke to my principal and we both recognized an opportunity to make the most of the technology already in students’ hands, allowing them to use the technology with which they feel most comfortable — their own laptops, smartphones and tablets — in class. Students are allowed to use their personal devices to take notes, collaborate on class assignments, conduct Internet research and use cloud- based apps.
1.     Student participation increases.
Students like using their personal devices. In my classes they become engaged in whatever it is that they’re doing with their personal devices — including classwork, which becomes even more interactive when everyone has access to technology. Kids these days live for technology. It only makes sense to utilize their love for technology in the classroom if you really want to get them engaged.
2.     Learning becomes student-driven.
Teaching in the digital age is becoming less about directly transferring knowledge and more about showing students how to sift through vast amounts of information to find the knowledge they need. BYOD has changed my teaching model. With the technology they are using for BYOD, students have more authority over their own learning. They can pose questions and do research instead of just listening to my lectures.
3.     Student collaboration and communication increases.
Collaboration is key to engagement in today’s classrooms. My students use technology to communicate with their peers and with me. A BYOD initiative can provide students with far greater opportunities to interact virtually with teachers and work with other students on assignments, projects and content creation.
4.     Cost Savings.
Although BYOD is really about delivering education in new ways, saving money is an important objective. With the students using their own mobile devices in the classroom, schools can save money on technology costs. My school does not need to spend a fortune trying to keep up with all the coolest technology that can be used for education these days, if students are allowed to use their own mobile devices.
5.     Personalized instruction.
I use media to meet different learning styles. Then, all students can learn and excel at their own pace. By allowing my students to follow along with my interactive, multimedia lessons on their mobile devices, I give them more control over the pace at which they learn. Students spend countless hours outside the classroom on their mobile devices. So, why not use that to my advantage? I let them use their devices as engaging learning tools in the classroom. Then, they can easily bring their homework, educational games, projects with them. Everything they need to continue learning outside the classroom can be accessed anytime, anywhere, with the swipe of a finger.
6.     A new way of learning.
Incorporating student-owned mobile computing devices into the curriculum has helped me transform my direct instruction methods into project-and inquiry-based learning opportunities. This pedagogical approach helps students learn by doing and gives them ownership of their education.

More Sample School BYOT Policies
1. Brentwood Middle School BYOT Policy
2. Central Carrabus High School BYOT Policy (Update: link has moved. Let us know in the comments if you find a current link.)
3. Queen of Peace Catholic School BYOT Policy (Update: link has moved. Let us know in the comments if you find a current link.)
4. Oak Hills School District BYOT Policy
5. Mount Olive Township School District BYOT Policy ((Update: link has moved. Let us know in the comments if you find a current link.)
6. Allen High School BYOT Policy
7. Corcoran Unified School District BYOT Policy (Update: link has moved. Let us know in the comments if you find a current link.)
8. Judson Independent School District BYOT Policy
9. Hanover Public Schools BYOT Policy 

10. ARP High School BYOT Policy

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