Kids are typically face many frustrations and difficulties as they go through difference stages of development.
– it is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social
, and intellectual development of child from infancy to adulthood.
styles- it means a psychological construct representing standard strategies
that parent use in their child .
Types of parenting
There are
mainly four categories of parenting styles:
- Authoritarian
- Authoritative
- Permissive
- Detached
- Authoritarian parents: The parent is demanding but not responsive. Authoritarian parents are rigid in their rules; they expect absolute obedience from the child without any questioning. Authoritarian parents are strict disciplinarians.
- Authoritative : Authoritative parents show respect for the opinions of their children. Authoritative parents are both responsive and demanding; they are firm, but they discipline with love and affection, rather than power.
- Permissive : Permissive parents have little or no control over the behavior of their children. Permissive parents are responsive but not especially demanding. They have few expectations of their child
- Detached: Detached parents are neither responsive nor demanding. They may be careless or unaware of the child’s needs for affection and discipline.
Following are broad
coping strategies you can develop in your children to help them deal with
normal, developmental frustrations and difficulties
- Laugh about it:
(Help your child see a lighter or funny
side of situations)Humor is a great coping strategy. Encourage your Kids to
stand back and find a funny side to the situation they may be in. This strategy
requires kids to look for a funny side and not take themselves too seriously.
- Get some help:
(Help your child talk
about what’s bothering them)
Some kids need your
help identifying who they can talk things through with-including friends,
teachers, and family members. Talk about
the best way to open up dialogue with different groups of people.
- Blame fairly:
(Help your child not to
take things personally)
When you blame yourself
for bad situations you think irrationally and experience loss of hope. Most
things that happen to you, whether good or bad, occur due to some mixture of
luck other people and your own actions.

Test anxiety is typical for performance anxieties. The test anxiety has two faces: On the one hand people concerned are often well prepared for an exam but are not able to retrieve what they have learned because of their fears. On the other hand in the preparation phase persons concerned are blocked because of the anticipation of the exam situation. Consequentially, the preparation for the exam is postponed and therefore not enough time for an accurate preparation remains. Hence the assumption of the person concerned is confirmed that he or she is not able to manage the exam situation. Again the key problem is a negative biased self-perception which rather leads to fear blocking performances than being positively-nervously activated.
In our test anxiety coaching we record the strength of your anxiety reaction by means of psycho physiological measurements using a biofeedback system. During the further procedure unconscious fears are treated and eliminated by gentle hypnosis. Towards the end of the coaching there is a stabilization phase which is accompanied with a last biofeedback check up to visualize the change of the fear reaction to the client. Subsequently every client gets a personalized hypnosis coaching CD or on demand a MP3 file that he or she can listen for exam preparations.
Causes of Anxiety
Take some time to think
about what is causing the anxiety because, once you know what is causing the
anxiety , you will be in better position to tackle it.
o You had a bad experience in previous exam.
o Nervosity
o You are not feeling
well or you are on medication
o Being poorly prepared
Anxiety Reduction
Reducing exam anxiety
is to make an early start on your revision. Six weeks before the exam is
probably soon enough for end of the year exams, depending on where you are in
your studies and what year you are in.
- Plan your revision
- Eating and sleeping
- Revise when you are feeling alert
- Read question carefully
- Breathe deeply
Exam anxiety tips
- Developing good study habits and strategies
- Make a plan
- Be prepared
- Ask yourself questions
- After the test, review how you did
Ø Relax you are in
control: takes slow, deep breaths
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