Monday, 12 December 2016

Concept of yoga philosophy


The word yoga is originated from Sanskrit word yuj which means join. Patanjali is considered as father of yoga. This school of philosophy as a part of orthodox school of philosophy.
        Yoga is a way of a better living.  It a ensure great or efficiency in work and better control over mind and emotions. Yoga means it is a movement of body through difference positions, postures and poses.
 The practice of yoga is an art and science dedicated to creating union between body, mind and spirit. Its objective is to assist the practitioner in using the breath and body to foster an awareness of ourselves as individualized beings intimately connected to the unified whole of creation. In short it is about making balance and creating equanimity so as to live in peace, good health and harmony with the greater whole. This art of right living was perfected and practiced in India thousands of years ago and the foundations of yoga philosophy were written down in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, approximately 200 AD. This sacred text describes the inner workings of the mind and provides an eight-step blueprint for controlling its restlessness so as to enjoying lasting peace.
         The core of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra is an eight-limbed path that forms the structural framework for yoga practice. Upon practicing all eight limbs of the path it becomes self-evident that no one element is elevated over another in a hierarchical order. Each is part of a holistic focus which eventually brings completeness to the individual as they find their connectivity to the divine. Because we are all uniquely individual a person can emphasize one branch and then move on to another as they round out their understanding.

Asanas means holding  the body in a particular posture to bring stability to the body and poises to the mind.
·       Meditating asanas
·       Relaxation asanas
·       Cultural asanas

There are 5 types of  yoga
§  Bhakthiyoga
§  Gyanayoga
§  Mantrayoga
§  Karmayoga
§  Layayoga
“Yoga is skill in actions”
-        Load Krishna

Eights fold steps of yoga

1.    Yama :  Universal morality
2.   Niyama :  Personal observances
3.   Asanas :  Body postures
4.   Pranayama :  Breathing exercises, and control of prana
5.   Pratyahara :  Control of the senses
6.   Dharana :  Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness
7.   Dhyana :  Devotion, Meditation on the Divine
8.   Samadhi :  Union with the Divine
Axiological Aspects In Yoga Education
·       Develops  high degree of intellectual maturity
·       Develops psychical, intellectual and aesthetic aspects of personality
·       Learn adjustment with changing conditions
·       Develop possitive and healthy attitude towards life
·       Bring quality of life
                Metaphysical Aspects In Yoga
·       Yoga is highly technical and systamatic, if the methods adopted are correct there should be no doubt whats so ever as to the possiblity of the achivement of end
·       Achivements in yoga are in gradual evolution ,systamatic,advance and not a sudden jump
·       Yoga is a movement through happiness
Epistamological aspects in yoga
·       Scienctific knowledge of outerbreality
·       Experimented knowledgeof inner process
·       Objective introspection of inner process
·       Knowledge by identity that is Vedic knowledge
             Educational Implications of Yoga
      Yoga in education lead in the development of harmonious personality and behavior at all levels
      Moral development is being given highest priority in yoga philosophy
      Educational objectives should be application based and activity oriented
Benefits of Yoga 
      It develops the physical stability
      It keeps a person young
      It develops the balancing power in the body
      It reduces the excess fat in the sideways
      It gives more flexibility

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